Green Jello

December 20, 2019 · Doors open at 7:00 pm

Green Jello

Green Jello

Green Jello is the band I, Bill Manspeaker, started over 37 years while I was in 12th grade high school in Kenmore New York on January 18th 1981.

Currently I have almost 800 band members across the world.

I have suxxcessfully set up a Green Jello band in every city across America Canada Mexico City England Scotland Europe Alaska & The Bahamas.

Every Thursday I hop on a plane from Hollywood Kalifornia and I fly to a new city around the world each week.

When I land a new Green Jello band picks me up at the airport each week and we play Thursday Friday & Saturday.

Right after the show on Saturday I fly directly back home to Hollywood.


We are a reggae/punk/rock band from Julian Ca.

Created, hosted and maintained by Progressive Development & Hosting